A new dawn in marketing today’s businesses

A new dawn in marketing today's businesses

Kampala, Uganda | By Howard Tumwine | To succeed in today’s dynamic and crowded markets, it’s important to leverage all of the social channels that are available to tout your products. You have to create your own brand of media, build a web application or start a simple skunk works projects.

Then you have to send updates so that the people who are subscribed to your channels can be constantly informed that something is happening. That way, you can capitalize on your audience when you’re ready to launch your next big idea.

The point here is that you have to go beyond merely maintaining a presence on Facebook and Twitter. Using Facebook and Twitter by themselves is fine, but at this point not remarkable.

If you really want to stand out, you need to create something worth commenting on that will actually provide a reason for others to pass on your name or want to connect with you.

If you’re interested in building a community behind your blog or even starting your own social network, it isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s a gradual build until you hit a tipping point where others begin to reference you organically.

If you want to be hired, proceed with that in mind. Do something creative, which gets noticed by targeted companies or key executives. For example, ad copywriter Alec Brownstein targeted creative directors at advertising shops in New York via clever search ads, which drove traffic to his website. The result was two job offers.

He then made a YouTube video showcasing the impact of his scheme and those received nearly one million views. The point is, he knew that he wanted and did something creative and specific to achieve it.

Marketing looks very different now than it did a few years ago. Yet, most people still approach it the same way they always have. They develop for push, when in reality pull strategies are more effective and even scalable.

You need to understand this from the start and have a style behind your image. That you need to have the substance to back it up goes without saying. It also needs to resonate with key audiences.

It’s not enough to figure out ways to gain attention from random people for fleeting moments. you need to find a way to market to target groups consistently over time. And the tactics used should be compelling enough not just to attract an audience, but to also inspire the audience to grow itself.

You want to reach a certain group — great. But in some cases, the group you want to influence is too shielded to reach in any kind of efficient way.

There is another path. Find a different audience that is more accessible and a proxy to your target. Going through them may be more effective and forge greater trust than trying to reach the end target directly.

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Digital alliances are underused element in marketing. So many opportunities to work and grow together remain untapped. Bring alliances/relationships into your strategy — especially if you’re small and agile — and you can encourage mutual growth.

Digital content is crucial part of today’s social marketing and it needs to be integrated with the existing marketing efforts. NTV Uganda, New Vision, UBC TV  and now Nile Post affiliated to NBS TV have launched blogs to reach their esteemed clients with the latest news and programs.

You should follow this media giants as your pace setters: Start a blog for your company clearly stating your products and services and your target clients should follow.