Stop being reactionary – MP Kyagulanyi to Uganda security forces

Stop being reactionary - MP Kyagulanyi to Ugandan security
Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu popularly known as Bobi Wine

Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu has called on security forces not to react to insecurity but work to keep Uganda safe.

While addressing a press conference on Thursday at the Food Platz Restuarant at the National Theatre, Kyagulanyi commented on the brutal murder of Susan Magara, a 28-year-old accountant who was kidnapped and killed by kidnappers even after her parents gave a ransom of 700 million shillings.

According to Kyagulanyi, the Uganda security and leadership has been reactionary to incidences of insecurity but has failed to curb crime even with leads.

He says Police should work with leads and assure Ugandans instead of coming up with pledges that do not bring results.

Hours after Magara’s body was found dumped near Kajjansi in Wakiso district, the police offered a reward of 100 million Shillings to whoever would identify the killers who, over a period of 20 days, kept calling her family asking for the ransom money.

Police has since released recordings of telephone conversations in which a male voice speaking in a mixture of Runyoro and English demands for ransom and warns the family against involving security.

According to Kyagulanyi, although Police has been listening to conversations of the criminals, they did not show any results.

He said the Uganda Police Force is not functional and it is not doing its role. Kyagulanyi said incidences can’t be happening one after another and police brushes them away saying they are going to investigate.

He condemned the 100 million shillings bounty given by police to anyone who can identify the voice of the suspected murderers, saying they could have used the same resources to save the life of the deceased.

Kyagulanyi also questioned why a bounty of 100 million shillings was placed on anyone who identifies Magara’s killers and not on the many other Ugandans who have lost their lives like the 21 women who were murdered in areas of Entebbe and Nansana last year.

Kyagulanyi also blamed President Yoweri Museveni for making promises after incidences and not fulfilling them.

He cited instances like calling for installation of CCTV Cameras after the murder of police spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi in March last year, DNA tests and strictness of sim card registration after the murder of Susan Magara and explanation from security after the death of Musician Mowzey Radio last month.

He says the president should also do more and not merely respond to situations.

Kyagulanyi also urged Ugandans to take self precaution.

Magara, an accountant with Bwendero Dairy Farm (BDF) was reportedly kidnapped while driving to her home in Lungujja, Lubaga Division on 7th February. Her motor vehicle was found abandoned on the roadside after her kidnap.

The kidnappers had cut off two of Susan Magara’s fingers before killing her, as they demanded for a ransom of up to 3.7 billion Shillings from the family.

The body was found dumped at Kitiko, an area located between Kigo and Kajjansi.