Influx of commercial sex workers worries Bunyoro Bishop

Influx of commercial sex workers worries Bunyoro Bishop
The influx of commercial sex workers has drawn the attention of Rt. Rev, Samuel Kahuma, the Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara diocese. Courtesy Photo

The influx of commercial sex workers in the Albertine graben has drawn the attention of Rt. Rev, Samuel Kahuma, the Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara diocese.

Bishop Kahuma says many commercial sex workers have invaded the oil rich Hoima district to tap into the available opportunities that could come with people working in the oil industry.

The commercial sex workers are drawn from the Masaka, Fort portal, Mbarara, Kampala Kyankwanzi, Ntoroko, Wakiso and Kamwenge districts.

They currently operate in Hoima town, Buseruka trading center, Kamugole, Katanga, Kigorobya and Kaiso, Kijangi, Mbegu Tonya and Butiaba landing sites of. They charge between Shillings 5000 to 10,000 per night.

Bishop Kahuma says unless the influx of the commercial sex workers is controlled, it will cause uncontrolled suffering to the people of Bunyoro, more especially the youths.

Bishop Kahuma explains that transactional sex is condemned in the bible and calls upon youth to stay clear of the commercial sex workers.

He calls on other religious leaders in the region to preach against commercial sex work and integrate commercial sex workers into church activities.

Kahuma wants government to come up with a special project like vocational training that could integrate the commercial sex workers into developmental work as opposed to commercial sex.

The commercial workers approached by this publication declined to explain why they involved in the risky business.