PHOTOS: Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects

Patrick Onyango
Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Patrick Onyango

Wakiso, Uganda | URN | Kira Division Police Station are holding 21 suspects for staging a sex party in a private house in Kireka, Kira Municipality, Wakiso District.

Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Patrick Onyango says the suspects were picked up from a private residence in Kireka in the wee hours of Sunday 11, October 2020 morning.

According to Onyango, they received intelligence information about the sex party and planted an informant to keep track of the events.

“We got the participants red handed,” Mr Onyango said in a statement. “They have been arrested and detained at Kira Division Police Station on charges of disobedience of lawful orders and doing acts that are likely to cause the spread of infectious disease, which is coronavirus.”

He says the suspects have been charged with disobedience of lawful orders and doing acts that are likely to cause the spread of infectious disease.

Some of the photos from the party show men and half-dressed females partying with all kinds of drinks of tables.

According to the posters for the sex party dubbed ‘Be Mine,’ the entrance fee for VIP clients was Shillings 50,000 and the ordinary Shillings 30,000.

Be Mine Sex Party Poster
Be Mine Sex Party Poster

The poster also provided a phone contact for booking for the party.

PHOTOS: Police raid Kireka Sex Party

Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects
Police in Kampala Metropolitan Area have arrested 21 people who were allegedly participating in what the law enforcers described as a sex party. COURTESY PHOTO
Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects
The sex party was taking place in a private house in Kireka, Kira Municipality, Wakiso District. COURTESY PHOTO
Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects
Police got the participants of the sex party red handed. COURTESY PHOTO

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Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects
Assorted alcoholic drinks that the ‘Be Mine Sex Party’ participants were boozing. COURTESY PHOTO
Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects
Police say the participants will be taken to court on October 12 and be charged with disobedience of lawful orders and doing acts that are likely to cause the spread of infectious disease, which is coronavirus. COURTESY PHOTO
Uganda police raid sex party in Kireka, arrest 21 suspects
Towards midnight, police was notified that the sex orgy had started and raided the house where it was being hosted. COURTESY PHOTO