Ugandan gov’t reopens livestock markets


Kampala, Uganda | URN| The Government of Uganda has announced the reopening of livestock markets. The markets were closed in March 2020 by President Museveni as a measure to curb the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

On Wednesday 25, November 2020, the State Minister for Animal Industry Bright Rwamirama told journalists at the Uganda Media Center that government has allowed the livestock markets to reopen and issued the guidelines that will be strictly adhered to.

According to Rwamirama, the markets have been opened but under very strict guidelines which are supposed to be followed by both the animal sellers and the buyers.

Some of the guidelines include no cattle market in districts under any form of animal quarantine will open until the commissioner animal health lifts the quarantine, animals sellers must be allocated space of at least 2 meters from one another.

The livestock markets are supposed to have an intact perimeter fence with an exit and entrance fence, a source of water and hand washing facilities will have to be installed at the entrance of every cattle market.

Others are; only animal buyers, sellers, drivers, market dues collectors, animal handlers and veterinary inspectors will be allowed in the markets and no other vendors.

No livestock markets in border districts are allowed to operate unless the market is over 20 kilometres away from the borderline, all people entering the market are supposed to wear masks and ensure social distancing, veterinary officers will be placed at every entry of the market to take temperatures of everyone who enters the market.

Read Also: Over 140 heads of cattle stolen from Western Kenya and crossed into Uganda

All livestock markets are supposed to have an isolation paddock for all animals suspected to be sick and the markets will operate from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm to allow the animals move before curfew time.

Rwamirama said that all animal markets that lack structures that have been stipulated must be put in place before they reopen and this will be ensured by the district veterinary officers in the respective districts and that the market owners shall provide security personnel to enforce the guidelines.