NMS Celebrating 35 Years of NRM Leadership



The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of National Medical Stores [NMS] congratulates the President of the Republic of Uganda. H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Cabinet, Parliament, the Judiciary and the people of Uganda as we celebrate the 35th NRM liberation anniversary.

The Board, Management and Staff also congratulate H. E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the National Resistance Movement [NRM] on the resounding victory in the just concluded general elections.

We thank God for this far he has brought us and for the milestones achieved this far. Let us all keep the faith that our best days are ahead of us. For Ugandans that we serve, help us to serve you better by taking your individual responsibility seriously:

  • Report theft of Government Medicines and Medical Supplies to the nearest Police Stations or Health Monitoring Unit.
  • Do not pay for any medicines or medical supply with words, “NOT FOR SALE”.

The theme for the 35th NRM anniversary is, “A call to play our duty in securing our nation’s future” NMS is convinced that knowledge is the best medicine and that preventive health will significantly reduce the demand for medicines while maintaining the good health for all Ugandans.

This is because 75% of the diseases that we take to the Health Facilities are preventable!! This means that out of every 100 Patients that come to our health facilities, 75 of us would not be there if we took personal responsibility for the good health.

As we grapple with the challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic, we add our voice to that of H. E the President of the Republic of Uganda and the Ministry of Health in urging you to do all that is within your means to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our Country.

Always remember to:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and use a hand sanitizer.
  2. Keep good distance from your neighbor of not less than two meters when you are in any public space. (Social Distancing).
  3. Wear a facemask whenever you are in any public spaces.
  4. Be your neighbor`s keeper by ensuring that you report people that are within your community and have persistent coughing or temperature.

Never before has there been a time in the history of our country when you individual and personal responsibility in adhering to simple but very important instructions given by Ministry of Health, has made all the difference in stopping the spread of a disease and saving our Nation.

You have the opportunity and responsibility to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Uganda.

NMS, Passionate about your life; We strive to serve you better.