Parliament business suspended after Kampala twin explosions

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The Parliament of the Republic of Uganda main entrance

Kampala, Uganda | URN | The Clerk to Parliament, Adolf Mwesige has suspended plenary following explosions at the IPS building opposite Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and the quarter guard at CPS Kampala Tuesday 16, November 2021 morning.

“I have been directed by the Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker of Parliament to inform you that there will be no sitting of Parliament today,” reads part of Mwesige’s internal memo sent to all Members of Parliament and staff.

Adding that, “You are advised not to proceed to the precincts of Parliament as security forces are working hard to restore order around Parliament. Until you are advised otherwise, please keep at home and those in the precincts of Parliament keep calm and wait for advice on how to exit,” further reads the notice from Clerk to Parliament.

Mwesige’s notice came shortly after the Deputy Speaker Anita Among, and Leader of Opposition Mathias Mpuuga’s convoys exited the parliamentary building. IPS building is found along Parliament Avenue, about 200 meters away from the main gate of the Parliament.

Two bomb explosions in Uganda’s capital Kampala kills at least three

The blasts triggered panic in the chambers of parliament where several committee sittings were scheduled to take place. A number of MPs and parliament staff were seen exiting the main building as the police officers at the main gate of Parliament restricted access to its precincts.

Read Also: Another bomb blast kills scrap dealer, injures 4 others in Uganda

The Finance Committee was scheduled to receive a petition challenging the 12 per cent tax on internet data while the Select Committee investigating the management of COVID-19 funds dispersed immediately following the loud blast.

Several MPs and parliamentary staff were still exiting the house by the time of filing this story.