Kidnappers demand Shs 30m to release Budaka teenager

11 people kidnapped in last 3 years still missing - Uganda Police

Budaka, Uganda | URN | Police are investigating the alleged of 14-year-old Kasita Muyinda, a student of Naalya secondary school and resident of Bwase cell in Budaka town council in Budaka district.

Muyinda is a son to Difasi Muyinda, a veterinary assistant attached to Budaka district local government, who was also abducted last month but returned without injury. He however, lost money and his national ID.

Immaculate Alaso, the Bukedi North Region Police spokesperson told this publication on Sunday 5, December 2021 evening that the kidnappers are demanding for a ransom of Shillings 30 million to release their victim.

She says that the kidnappers reached out to the family using mobile phone number 0755961625 registered in the names of Naguda Moreen.

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According to Alaso, the victim’s father says that a yet to be identified relative picked up the teenager for their usual evening ride but he did not return home.

He says the father relaxed thinking the teenager was with his friends only to receive a call at night demanding for ransom. 

Alaso says the police directorate of Crime intelligence has already commenced investigations to find the teenager.