Uganda Police arrest Bobi Wine supporters over unlawful assembly

Kiira region police spokesperson James Mubi confirmed report

Jinja, Uganda | URN | At least 13 National Unity Platform (NUP) leaders and supporters of former presidential candidate, Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine were arrested on Sunday 22, January 2023 for staging an illegal assembly at the Jinja city based Young Men Christian Association-YMCA conference center.

Led by the Iganga district NUP coordinator, Ben Kabaka, the NUP youth leaders had converged to discuss their operations.

However, two plain-clothed policemen stormed the venue and informed them that their assembly was unlawful in vain. Prior to his arrest, Kabaka told journalists that they had engaged Kiira region police personnel about their planned event but he was shocked by their actions. Kabaka argued that it wasn’t justifiable for them to vacate the grounds without recieving an explanation from the police.

Read Also: Chaos as police deploy tear gas to disperse Bobi Wine supporters in Lira

The failure of the NUP leaders to vacate the conference center prompted the Field Force Unit-FFU personnel to storm the venue and disperse them with teargas. However, some of the youth leaders stayed put prompting police to arrest them and led them to Jinja Central Police Station awaiting prosecution.

Police also impounded a vehicle, Mercedes Benz registration number UAH 996F, and a coaster registration number UAZ 918B, which they towed to the Nalufenya police parking yard. Kiira regional police spokesperson James Mubi confirmed the arrest, saying that police were processing the files of the suspects for their prosecution.