MP Nsereko claims Alien Skin is better than Bobi Wine musically

MP Nsereko claims Alien Skin is better than Bobi Wine musically
Alien Skin (Left) and Bobi Wine (Right)

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | Kampala Central Member of Parliament, Hon. Muhammad Nsereko, continues to express his differing views on fellow musician-turned-politician Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, popularly known as Bobi Wine.

Hon. Nsereko recently asserted that Bobi Wine does not rank among the top five Ugandan musicians.

According to him, Bobi Wine’s musical prowess warrants a place in the top 10, with Hon. Nsereko even suggesting that Alien Skin, a currently trending artist, surpasses him in terms of musical talent.

When questioned about Bobi Wine’s consistent inclusion in the ‘Big Three’ artists category, Hon. Nsereko disagreed, stating that those who place him in that elite group are mistaken.

MP Nsereko claims Alien Skin is better than Bobi Wine musically
Members of Parliament Kampala Central Mohammed Nsereko

In Hon. Nsereko’s personal ranking, Bobi Wine occupies the eighth position, as he believes several other artists, including those from the now-disbanded GoodLife crew, Eddy Kenzo, and David Lutalo, surpass him in musical ability.

It’s important to note that Hon. Nsereko and Robert Kyagulanyi have been at odds due to their differing political alignments, with Bobi Wine in the opposition and Hon. Nsereko supporting the ruling government.