Tourists killed by suspected terrorists were on honeymoon, says Museveni

President Museveni 59th Independence Day anniversary full speech
President Yoweri Museveni

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | President Yoweri Museveni has revealed that the two foreign tourists killed by suspected terrorists on Tuesday 17, October 2021 were newlyweds on honeymoon. 

In a post shared on his official X (formally Twitter) on Wednesday 18, October 2021, President Museveni condemned what he called a cowardly act by ‘terrorists’ who attacked innocent civilians, killing the couple and their driver who also doubled as the tour guide in Queen Elizabeth National Park. 

“It was a cowardly act on the part of the terrorists attacking innocent civilians and tragic for the couple who were newlyweds and visiting Uganda on their honeymoon. Of course, these terrorists will pay with their own wretched lives,” the post reads in part. 

“However, killing these wretched individuals will not bring back the lives of these wonderful friends of Uganda who had chosen our country for their honeymoon out of the 193 countries of the world. Our High Commission in the UK will reach out to their families and provide whatever support is necessary in this tragic situation,” Mr Museveni’s post reads further.

Mr Museveni further tasked the army, police, and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) to ensure that the same incident does not happen again and that the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) is wiped out.

“The wiping out is moving very well. What needs to be done is to ensure that the remnants do not commit these atrocities. That is why I congratulate, again, the wanainchi, the police, and other agencies on preventing the bombing of Bunamwaya, Kayanja’s church, and the churches in Kibibi, Butambala,” he added.

He says the suspected terrorists took advantage of what he called “a gap” because the tourists were arriving and departing individually.

The President vowed to defeat ADF just like Joseph Kony and the cattle rustlers who were killing people in Karamoja and the surrounding districts.