GENU’s menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Practical sessions equip attendees with essential skills for managing menstrual health and hygiene.

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | Girl Empowerment Network UG (GENU), a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering vulnerable teenage mothers, youth, and adolescent girls in Uganda, celebrated Nakawa Youth Day on October 20, 2023, with a groundbreaking Menstrual Health Camp.

This event sought to tackle the stigma around menstruation, educate young people about menstrual hygiene, and provide them with vital knowledge for leading healthier lives.

The event was marked by several highlights that left a lasting impact on the attendees.

GENU commenced the Menstrual Health Camp with engaging workshops conducted by healthcare professionals, educators, and advocates for girls’ health. These workshops aimed to destigmatize menstruation, explain the biological processes involved, and emphasize the importance of proper menstrual hygiene management. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and dispel common myths about menstruation.

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Participants are ready to make a change and empower their communities with their newfound knowledge.

Interactive sessions provided a platform for open and honest conversations about menstrual health. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences and challenges related to menstruation. This created a safe space for individuals to express their thoughts, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

In addition to educational sessions, the camp included practical skill-building activities. Participants learned how to create eco-friendly and cost-effective sanitary pads, ensuring access to menstrual hygiene products even in resource-limited settings. This hands-on activity not only empowered young individuals with a valuable skill but also promoted environmental sustainability.

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
GENU’s initiative paves the way for a more informed and supportive society regarding menstrual health.

Esteemed guest speakers, including healthcare professionals, activists, and inspirational figures, shared their insights and personal experiences related to menstrual health. Their motivational speeches encouraged participants to embrace their bodies, celebrate their uniqueness, and become advocates for menstrual health rights in their communities. These inspirational talks had a profound impact on the attendees, instilling a sense of empowerment and purpose.

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Youth learn to embrace their bodies and celebrate their uniqueness.

To prioritize overall well-being, the camp offered free health check-ups, including blood pressure monitoring and general health consultations. This holistic approach underscored GENU’s commitment to the well-being of the youth it serves.

Read Also: Janet Museveni, activists clash on reusable sanitary pads

In conclusion, the Menstrual Health Camp organized by Girl Empowerment Network Uganda (GENU) on Nakawa Youth Day was a resounding success. By fostering understanding, breaking taboos, and providing practical skills, the event empowered young individuals with the knowledge and confidence to navigate their menstrual health journey.

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Esteemed guest speakers motivate attendees to become advocates for menstrual health rights.

Through education and advocacy, GENU’s initiative has not only improved individual lives but has also contributed significantly to creating a more informed and supportive society regarding menstrual health issues.

As we celebrate the success of this event, we are reminded of the importance of continued efforts in empowering youth and breaking barriers surrounding menstruation, ensuring a healthier and more equitable future for all.

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Practical activities at the camp promote eco-friendly and cost-effective menstrual hygiene options.

Girl Empowerment Network UG’s Menstrual Health Camp on Nakawa Youth Day serves as a shining example of how education and support can transform lives and inspire change in society. It is a testament to the power of empowering girls, promoting menstrual health, and fostering a brighter future for all.

PICTORIAL: Menstrual Health Camp on Nakawa Youth Day

GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
The camp fosters a sense of belonging, reinforcing the importance of community in the journey of menstrual health.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Participants gain the knowledge and ability to create their own sustainable sanitary products.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Guest speakers inspire the youth with their personal experiences and insights into menstrual health.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
GENU’s work ensures that no one faces the challenges of menstrual health alone.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
A brighter and more informed future is forged through education and advocacy.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
GENU’s camp empowers young girls to navigate their menstrual health journey with self-assuredness.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Participants craft eco-friendly sanitary pads during the camp, promoting self-sufficiency.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
Young individuals share their experiences and challenges during interactive sessions.
GENU's menstrual health camp empowers youth on Nakawa Youth Day
A participant proudly displays an eco-friendly sanitary pad they created during the camp’s skill-building activities.