8 soldiers, 23 civilians remanded over ‘coup plot’ against Museveni

8 soldiers, 23 civilians remanded over 'coup plot' against Museveni
Some of the suspected soldiers accused of coup plot against Museveni's NRM government in the dock.

Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | The General Court Martial has remanded at least 31 suspects, including eight soldiers to Luzira Prison and military police barracks on charges related to an alleged plot to overthrow the legitimate Government of Uganda.

Among the military personnel are Cpt Denish Oola Oyaa, attached to the 6 Tank Battalion as an operations training officer, Lt Benjamin Oduru, a staff officer, warrant officer 2 Oryek Sunday Jenaro, a tank engine technician, Sgt Bernard Morris Leku (also known as Peter Anguadia, a deserter), formerly attached to the field engineering unit of America Village Perichi sub-county, West Adjumani county in Adjumani district, Cpl John Elatu, attached to 6 Tank Battalion in Singo as a gunner, Cpl Ronald Keuber, attached to 1 Tank Battalion as a driver/mechanic resident of Gulu Airbase, Cpl David Olal, a police officer resident of Erute North in Lira district, and LCpl Moses Anyang, attached to 6 Tank Battalion as a tank operator/nurse.

These soldiers remanded over ‘coup plot’ against Museveni, are attached to the armoured brigade headquarter and are charged alongside civilians, including plumbers, teachers, and a pastor.

Some of the remanded civilians include Judith Angwech, a pastor from Alebtong district, Simon Oyoma, a pastor from Soroti city, Daniel Owitti (also known as Ott or ODM), a social worker from Adjumani district, Fabio Ocen, a builder from Kole district, Muhammad Ijosiga, a peasant from Arua district, Stanley Yiacia (also known as Simple), a marketeer from Maracha, Anthony Kamau Omacj, a teacher from Dokolo district, Joaquin Parm, an electrician from Nebbi district, Abdu Hakim Koloboka, a security guard from Yumbe district, Habibu Ezale, a mechanic from Koboko district, Ssebi Keppo, a peasant from Arua district, among others.

Chaired by Brigadier General Freeman Robert Mugabe, the Court Martial charged the group with alleged treachery under the Uganda People’s Defense Forces Act. The prosecution, led by Lieutenant Colonel Raphael Mugisha, Lieutenant Alex Lasto Mukhwana, and Private Regina Nanzala, indicated that investigations are ongoing and requested an adjournment. Legal representation was provided by Captain Simon Nsubuga Busagwa and Private Pricilla Kakande.

Also Read: Ugandan senior soldiers charged over cowardice against al-Shabaab

The individuals are remanded over alleged coup plot against Museveni until January 22, 2024, for further proceedings as investigations continue. This trial is one of several in the Court Martial involving treachery-related charges. Another group, consisting of 23 suspects, faces charges of treachery and the murder of police officers in Mityana and Kiboga, allegedly taking their firearms.

These groups, reportedly acting as agents of the Uganda National Coalition, are accused of activities against the government, recruitment efforts, and attacks on security posts, posing a threat to Uganda’s security. The trial is ongoing and in an advanced stage.

Additionally, three suspects linked to the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) were recently charged with similar offenses and are currently on remand.