Two people arrested with forged COVID-19 vehicle stickers

One of the arrested suspect and the recovered forged car stickers.

Kampala, Uganda | URN | Uganda Police Force in Kampala is holding two suspects for forging COVID-19 vehicle stickers. The two identified as Dickson Mugarura and one only identified as Julius were found with a replica of permits issued by the Ministry of Works and Transport to ease the movement of essential workers during the ongoing lockdown.

Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson Patrick Onyango says police officers intercepted Julius at a checkpoint and found him with a forged sticker on his car. Upon interrogation, the first suspect indicated that he had bought the stickers from Mugarura.

Two people arrested over forgery of car stickers
Jinja Road Police officers have arrested two suspects for forging Covid-19 car stickers.

Julius then led a team of detectives from Jinja road police station to Namungoona zone 1 (Luyiinja) where Dickson Mugarura was also arrested from his home. Subsequently, police conducted a search and recovered 29 forged COVID-19 car stickers in Mugarura’s possession.

Onyango has said that the two who are currently detained at Jinja road police station are facing charges of forgery and impersonation. He adds that security forces will continue carrying out operations to arrest and impound vehicles that are on the road without authorized movement stickers.

Read Also: Museveni rules out stopping cargo truck drivers from entering Uganda

The government banned the movement of both private and public vehicles as part of the measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. Only cargo trucks and authorized vehicles are allowed on the road.