Parliament questions move to solicit Shs10,000 from workers

Parliament questions move to solicit for funds from workers
Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga directed David Bahati, the State Minister of Finance to ensure that the letter formally written to a number of Chief Executive Officers for a voluntary contribution during the month of May and June is withdrawn.

Kampala, Uganda | URN | The Parliament of Uganda has demanded that the National COVID-19 Response Fund Task Force immediately withdraws a letter seeking money from salaried employees to help in the fight against the coronavirus disease.

The National COVID-19 Response Fund Task Force recently reached out to employers asking for their support to collect at least Shillings 10,000 from each employee in order to enable the fund to raise money for Uganda’s COVID-19 response. The Fund intends to raise at least 15 billion Shillings from employees for the cause.

Emmanuel Katongole, the chairperson of the Uganda National Response Fund to the COVID-19 pandemic said that the letters were formally written to a number of Chief Executive Officers after a virtual engagement with selected business leaders to extend the appeal for a voluntary contribution during the month of May and June.

The request from the National COVID-19 Response Fund Task Force formally made on May 12, 2020, has since received a backlash from a section of workers who accused the government of being insensitive to employees who are already threatened by job losses and pay cuts occasioned by the outbreak of the virus.

On Tuesday afternoon, Buhweju County MP Francis Mwijukye raised a matter of national importance questioning the move by the COVID-19 Fund officials to solicit money from an already stressed population.

The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga directed David Bahati, the State Minister of Finance for Planning to explain how the government was taxing workers without the authority of Parliament.

Bahati explained that contribution to the Fund is on a voluntary basis and that the 10,000 Shillings request is just an idea and not a tax. He added that the government was not going to deduct money from salaries of employees without approval.

Read Also: Ugandans react to govt’s plea to donate Shs10,000 each towards fighting COVID-19

However, Bugabula South MP Henry Kibalya questioned the motive behind the letters written to Chief Executive Officers.

Koboko County MP James Baba said that the 10,000 Shillings request was additional pressure to the workers in the country since some of them have been laid off.

Speaker Kadaga tasked Bahati to ensure that the letter is withdrawn saying that it was causing problems. The State Minister committed to following up the matter but insisted that the letter did not mean any harm since it was just an appeal.