Ugandan govt to produce 11.2 million face masks in two weeks

Mandatori waring of face masks - Uganda
President Yoweri Museveni’s measure for the mandatory wearing of face masks for anyone going in public remains largely ignored as many people have shunned the protective gear.

Kampala, Uganda | URN | The Government of Uganda will only be able to produce 11.2 million face masks over the next two weeks. This is in line with a decision by the government to distribute free face masks to the general public as a precondition for lifting restrictions on the lockdown which has been in force since March.

State Minister for Primary Healthcare Dr. Joyce Moriku said that the available capacity of producing masks on a daily basis assured by Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA) is 800,000 masks per day. Dr. Moriku says that with this assured, only 11.2 million face masks will be produced in two weeks. Uganda’s population is currently at 44 million people.

The Minister’s statement follows queries by parliament on how a decision for Nytil to be the only supplier of masks across the country was reached. She said that her ministry has given guidelines on the standard of the face masks to be used and that in the interim, they encourage those who can make as per the standard guidelines or procure privately to do so.

She assured parliament that government was following formal procedure for award of a contract to all manufacturing companies that have the capacity to produce the required face masks. These also include small scale producers under Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and other local governments.

However, the Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga raised concern on the cost of masks on the market and tasked the Ministry of Health to explain to the nation where the government will acquire the funds to procure and supply masks to all Ugandans.

Read Also: Ugandan govt to ban public use of N95 respirators, surgical masks

Koboko County MP James Baba questioned the Minister’s statement saying that it does not provide a clear indication of how the 42 million masks will be availed to all Ugandans in only two weeks.

Kawempe North MP Latif Ssebaggala demanded to know the number of face masks that the government is planning to give each person especially the students who are set to resume school.

Amuria Woman MP Susan Amero sought clarification on the quality of the masks that will be produced and whether the producers have the capacity to deliver them.

In response, Minister Moriku said that the masks being produced are a double layer cloth mask with a filter and that they are able to effectively protect Ugandans from the virus.