Transport difficulties delay mask distribution in Kampala

Free face masks
Distribution of free face masks is house-to-house by local community leaders.

Kampala, Uganda | URN | The distribution of masks in various city divisions failed to kick off on Friday 7th, August 2020 due to transport challenges. Local leaders were expected to start distributing the masks as had been communicated by KCCA, which received 2,067,500 masks from government last week.

In May, President Yoweri Museveni announced government’s decision to provide masks to all Ugandans aged 6yrs and above to control the spread of the corona virus disease. On Thursday, KCCA gave masks to division mayors for distribution to local leaders in their area.

The mayors were expected to deliver the masks to parish heads who would in turn pass them on to Local council leaders and Village Health teams for door to door delivery to residents.

However, by 10am at Makindye Division, officials were yet to start distributing the masks to parishes. In Nsambya Central Parish, local leaders waited at Kasaawe play grounds till close to Midday before the masks were delivered.

The parish chairman, David Kamya Lutaaya, said they were told to be at the venue by 9am but had to wait for hours.

Upon delivery of the masks, the ward administrator, Jemimmah Kisakye apologized to the local leaders, saying they had no means to transport the masks. They delivered the masks in a Ministry of Works truck, which she says they had secured to get the job done.

At Kasaawe leaders transported the masks in their private cars, others on Boda bodas while a few carried them to their offices. The situation wasn’t any different in Central Division. The leaders used their personal vehicles and Boda bodas to transfer the masks to their respective areas.

Quin Nannono Mulamuzi, the Kololo Four parish chairperson left Central Division on a Boda boda a few minutes after 1pm. He promised to start the distribution exercise later today. Francis Ssebyayi, the Chairperson Gogonya II says they needed the masks and hence put up with the delay.

He however, said they would start distributing the masks today. He used a Boda Boda to transport the masks. 

At Rubaga Division by press time no masks had been distributed to the local leaders. The Mayor, Joyce Ssebugwawo said the Division would deliver the masks to Local Councils offices soon.

Read Also: What to look out for when buying face masks: The ultimate guide according to medical experts

Francis Mawanda, who had come to pick the masks at Rubaga division offices, was asked to wait at the local council offices. He wasn’t sure when the masks would be delivered.

In Kawempe division, the Mayor Emmanuel Sserunjogi said they would launch the distribution today. Kampala Central Division Mayor, Charles Musoke Sserunjogi urged the public to wear masks when given to control the spread of Corona Virus.

Uganda has registered 1,213 COVID-19 cases, 10,102 recoveries and 6 deaths.