Pastors speak out on Yiga controversial ministry, advise his children to be different

Pastor Augustine Yiga Abizaayo
Pastor Augustine Yiga of the Revival Church in Kawaala

Kampala, Uganda | URN | Departing from the common tradition of not talking ill of the dead, several prominent pastors have given negative reactions against the freshly deceased Pastor Augustine Yiga and his legacy in the Pentecostal faith.

Many have described his pastoral time as full of vengeance while others say he was never a Pastor but a theatrical performer and just a businessman. 

Yiga of the Revival Church in Kawaala, was confirmed dead on 27th, October 2020 morning by his ABS TV. Having lived and operated a controversial pastoral life, Yiga nicknamed himself Abizaayo to mean that he was good at helping to return people’s problems back to whoever ‘sent’ them into their lives. 

Many of his followers have flocked his church to join other mourners and family. His son Andrew Jjengo took to the media to deny previous reports of his death which had been circulating on social media over the course of last week. 

One of Yiga’s longtime adversaries pastor Jackson Ssenyonga of Christian Life church alleges that Yiga was always engaged in acts which not only tarnished his name and image, but also that of image of the church especially the born again faith.

This while addressing journalists at his church in Bwaise adding that Yiga represented the big number of False prophets as proclaimed by Jesus Christ in the Holly Bible. He offered to take care of some of the many alleged children of the deceased. 

Light house Church’s Pastor Wilson Bugembe who was also not in good books with the fallen pastor, told this publication that although he totally agrees with Ssenyonga’s allegations and he believes that Yiga ought to have changed his way of doing things before he died. 

Bugembe advised Yiga’s children and followers to avoid continuing with their father/pastor’s legacy of having many enemies, but work hard to revive his church and use it to serve God.

Pastor Micheal Kyazze of the Omega Healing Center- Zzana described the late as a passionate and cunning individual. 

Kyazze however reiterated his colleagues’ unkind words to the late, noting that Yiga was a self-centered character who never took any advice and although as pastors they tried to derail him from wrong doings, his death came before their success in that effort. 

The National Pastor’s Platform of Uganda represented by their President Bishop David Kiganda told this publication that Yiga’s infamous slogan of Mbizaayo greatly affected and derailed many believers from the true doctrines of Jesus’ teachings.

He said while they mourn with his family and friends, they can’t hide the fact that he distanced himself from any advice towards his mode of operation and hence his legacy will forever remain dented. 

Yiga’s family is still silent about his burial arrangements. 

It has been five months since Yiga was freed on Court Bail following his arrest for allegedly voicing false information in about the coronavirus (COVID-19).

He was released by the Rubaga Grade One Magistrate, Timothy Lumunye on non-cash bail of Shs2 million while each of his two sureties were bonded at Shs5 million.