Tororo Cement workers strike over inflation, demand pay rise

Tororo Cement workers strike over inflation, demand pay rise
Tororo Cement factory

Tororo, Uganda | URN | Dozens of Tororo Cement workers on Monday 18, July 2022 went on strike to compel the management to enhance their salaries given the prevailing high inflation rates in the country.

The workers, mainly from the kiln section comprise electricians, mechanics, lab technicians, and production staff want the management to increase their salaries given the rise in commodity prices.

Paul Okumu, one of the mill attendants told this publication that he has been working in the company for more than 13 years at a daily wage of Shs 11,000. He explains that the mill he runs, crushes more than 85 tons of clinkers per hour, arguing that his wage doesn’t tally with the workload.

Okumu notes that he has had various engagements with his departmental heads to improve his pay in vain. John Oketch, another worker says that they go through a lot yet they earn meagre salaries.

He says that as workers, they now want to meet with the company owner to table their grievances because nobody at the company wants to listen to them.

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Waiswa Sinani, a member of the workers union at the factory, says that they have been engaging the factory since May this year about staff pay but they haven’t got any positive feedback yet.

Birij Gagarani, the Executive Director of Tororo Cement factory has given the striking workers an ultimatum to return to the negotiation table as they look for a common ground, resign or he closes the firm due to the high operational costs.

He also noted that he is aware of the high commodities prices in the market and has his workers’ interests at heart. He has promised to continue engaging with the union heads as he tries to find a better solution for the employees.