Jinja police officer at large after raping woman while in custody

Jinja police officer at large after raping woman while in custody

Jinja, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | The Kiira Region Police in Jinja are in pursuit of a police constable, Salim Mugoya, who has fled after allegedly raping a 20-year-old female suspect from the holding cells.

The rape victim whose identity has been withheld, facing marital challenges, had abandoned her child and sought refuge at her grandmother’s home in Busedde sub-county, Jinja district.

Her husband filed a case of child desertion at Namaganga Police Post on 4th, February 2024, prompting Mugoya to arrest and detain her for the two nights of 7th and 8th, February 2024.

The victim’s family member and her husband resolved to sort out the matter. Mugoya had agreed to release her on police bond on Friday 9, February 2024 evening.

However, she declined to leave the police post as she accused Mugoya of repeatedly raping her for the past two nights she was under police custody.

The victim alleges that she attempted to resist, but Mugoya would lock her in the women’s cells, where he could repeatedly rape her throughout the two nights.

Officers from their territorial police command of Kakira Police Station swung into action and took the victim to Busedde Health Center IV for medical examination. Mugoya reportedly took advantage of the confusion to flee.

The Kiira Regional Police Spokesperson, James Mubi confirmed the incident, adding that, the medical examination confirmed forceful penetration.

Mubi said detectives have intensified the search for the suspect, and that police commanders from the territorial policing areas in Busoga have been alerted.

The victim, according to Mubi is being accorded medical and psychosocial support.  

In a separate incident, Police in Busoga East is investigating the circumstances under which a 36-year-old Sarah Mudondo, who allegedly died by suicide in Busembatia police cell, in Bugweri district.

Mudondo reportedly killed herself by strangulation, using one of the threads on her dress.

Her body was taken to Iganga General Hospital Mortuary for postmortem as they pursue further inquiries on the motive that triggered this incident.

Mudondo, a resident of Kibuye A village, in Bulidha sub county, in Bugiri district has been operating a vegetable stall in Busembatia town council. She has was arrested over theft.

Also Read: Rape suspect drops dead in Mayuge Police cells

Mudondo’s arrest followed complaints from fellow traders, who accused her of pickpocketing and stealing items from their stalls.

Esther Nambi, a trader in the area said they had gone to check on Mudondo and that when police officers went to call her out from the women’s cells, they noticed her lifeless body swinging in the open space.

The Busoga East Police Spokesperson, Diana Nandawula said they were still investigating the matter. She said the detectives were interrogating Mudondo’s friends and relatives to ascertain whether she was going through any form of stress.

Nandawula has also cautioned members of the general public to always seek counseling from religious leaders when constrained with derailing situations rather than opting for silence, which might result in either depression or even death.