Museveni to invite opposition leaders for future State House prayers

President Yoweri Museveni

Kampala, Uganda | URN | Religious leaders on Friday 11, December 2020 preached the need for the country to have peaceful and inclusive elections in 2020/2021.

They made the appeal during the National Thanksgiving Prayers held at State House in Entebbe.

Some of the leaders who made the call include Bishop Henry Luke Orombi, the Archbishop Emeritus of the Church of Uganda, Rev. Can. Dr. Rebecca Margaret Nyegenye, the Provost All Saints’ Cathedral  in Kampala, Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga of Christian Life Ministries and Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa, Deputy Mufti.

Bishop Orombi, the guest preacher, noted that it is possible for Uganda to have peaceful elections if citizens love the country like other people love their countries by being peace makers. He urged Ugandans to be peacemakers because he is convinced that the country can have a peaceful transition of power.

Bishop Orombi noted that peacemakers are those who work for peace and not violence, are reconcilers and bridge builders, explaining that bridges must be built among Uganda’s various tribes because variety is the beauty of God.

Bishop Orombi also noted that all political parties must be peacemakers, and that representatives from the different political camps should have been invited for the National Thanksgiving Prayers at State House.

President Yoweri Museveni in his address after the prayers noted that other political parties will be invited for such functions in the future.

He also says the elections will be peaceful as long as everyone is law abiding. 

Meanwhile, Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa also preached the need for unity and peace at household and national level. 

Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga noted that the prayers cannot take place without leaders taking into account the 2020/2021 elections. 

He noted that the population is emotionally charged about the elections.

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Rev. Can. Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye calls for peaceful and inclusive elections.

Pastor Joseph Sserwadda of Victory Christian Centre Church-Ndeeba, notes that Uganda is currently grappling with surging numbers of coronavirus disease [COVID-19] cases and also the electoral process. 

He is urging President Museveni to intensify anti-COVID-19 measures because 220 people have so far succumbed to the lethal virus.