Unvaccinated district officials suspended, ordered out of staff quarters

Kotido district officials at municipal offices recently
Kotido district officials at municipal offices recently

Kotido, Uganda | URN | Kotido district officials who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccination have been ordered to immediately vacate the staff quarters, forfeit salaries and all allowances.

The chief administrative officer of Kotido district Joseph Lomongin in a letter dated September 24, and addressed to health workers, teachers, district and sub-county staff, village chairpersons, VHTs and parish village chairpersons ordered that those who have not received jabs shall not attend the meetings, earn any allowances, including COVID-19 allowances for LC1 and village chairpersons.

The directive also affects NGO and CBO staff working in the district who have been threatened to be effectively discontinued from work or holding meetings with the community.

“The COVID-19 District Taskforce sitting on 23 of September 2021 resolved that the following persons; health workers, teachers, district and sub-county staffs, councillors, LCs 1 and 11, VHTs, vendors operating at Kotido Main Market and boda boda riders must take priority to get COVID-19 jab. Those who have not yet received will face the respective actions, including vacating staff quarters, forfeiting salaries, suspension from work and all allowances with immediate effect,” reads the notice.

“By copy of this letter, said the CAO, heads of department, sub-county chiefs, heads of health facilities and education institutions must ensure compliance before the vaccines are recalled,” adds the letter without giving a specific time frame.

The directive comes amid reports of low uptake of the vaccine in the district, which is around 30 per cent. Kotido senior education officer, Benson Katyango Boeing says that he is yet to receive the jab. He adds that he will mobilize the teachers to embrace the vaccination because it’s for their good.

Read Also: Three arrested in Uganda for selling fake COVID-19 vaccination cards

“There is no problem with getting a jab. We teachers being one of the target groups of workers should take advantage of the available vaccines to be vaccinated ahead of school opening. We are ready,” said Katyango.

Peter Logiro, the Resident District Commissioner for Kotido confirms that the task force aims at ensuring there is a positive response to the administration of vaccines against coronavirus.

Addressing the nation on Wednesday 22, September 2021, President Museveni warned that he would fire district leaders in areas where Covid-19 vaccines are wasted or left to expire as the government scales up efforts to vaccinate at least 22 million people.