Two teen girls arrested over stealing Shs 5m ‘church money’ from aunt

Juvenile in police custody

Soroti, Uganda | URN | Two teenage girls from Soroti Secondary School have been arrested over the alleged theft of Shs 5 million (church money) from their aunt a week ago.

The two, whose names have been withheld since they are minors, were dragged to the office of the Soroti Senior Probation Officer, Amos Oluka on November 14th, 2022, for family relations assessment before police forwarded their file to the state attorney for sanctioning.

According to Oluka, the minors reportedly picked up the money from the bag of their relative, Stella Aogon in Orwadai cell A, Soroti city on October 24, 2022.

He says they confessed to having spent the money buying for themselves clothes and other things they needed.

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According to Oluka, police have since charged the duo with theft of Shillings 5 million vide CRB 287/2022.

Aogon told our reporter outside the office of the Soroti District Probation Officer that she realized the money was missing after two weeks. According to Aogon, she was entrusted by the church to keep the missing money.

She says that police managed to recover Shillings 1.6 million from the teenagers after searching their boxes following their arrest on November 11th, 2022.

According to Oluka, the minors will appear in court to decide their fate.